I can't get up and you're gone..
What are the odds of spending the whole day dealing with ONLY 2 patients?
2 sick patients.
I'm learning so fast about paeds. Rules of thumb, have a REALLY low threshold for more investigations and just WORRY a little bit more than usual. At 4.30PM today, the baby we saw on consult for prolonged O2 need and desaturation episodes contracted a systemic fungal infection and had to be transferred to ICU. She came back to be HIV positive. Another CF kid with pyrexia turned out to have white cell counts of 0.7 with neutrophil count of 0 and global pancytopenia really. All happened at 4.30PM. What are the odds.
Thinking of going on hiatus after this 2 years. I have aged so much; the wrinkles, rabun ayam, eye bags besar rumah, my eyes are failing on me really. Ah this profession. A good break would do me good. Some fresh air and some changes. Don't know whether it would be worth slowing the momentum though.
Flower (Flea) Market, Old Town, Nice, Cote d'Azur
Currently feeling like this.
I found out about this today linked from a friend's blog. Ah supercool. Feels good to be the rare one in Type AB. Now I am closed to become a superhero already, as planned. Hehe. Why don't you have a look.
Your blood type diet.