slow-to-fast day...
i woke up quite late today (inilah padahnye stay up smpi pagi!) n minutes after that i was quite 'gelabah' when i heard Abah's engine outside..giler! Abah went to the hospital as he had infections in his ears n apparently he had a day off. Luckily i had the chance to tidy up some messes on the table n make things look 'touched'! Abah complaint of being so hungry (nearly hypoglycaemia!) at that moment n lucky me *again as there were still some sambal n boiled eggs for the nasi lemak that were cooked by Mak in the morning on the table (dunno wut would happen if they were not there because i found out there was nothing in the freezer that can be cooked at that moment)...pheW!
afternoon times went smoothly but in a very slow pace! i called Along n asked her if she's free to accompany me to midvalley but she was in the hospital at that moment having follow-up treatment for her illness (y is evryone seemed to be sick at this time?)..but she promised to go out with me after the treatment ends, that would only be after 4 o clock in the evening. so i spent my afternoon doing some chores while watching tv- spesific: channel 17 = repeated episodes of Akademi Fantasia..damn i'm so glued to this programme..i never felt bored no matter how many times i watched it. this is wut they call the success of the Jews to have the Muslims spending their times n money on MUSIC!(dah tau buat i'm just an ordinary human who's early life has been greatly influenced by might takes some times to make me throw away my bad influences)..
We (Abah, Mak, Along, Akib n i) decided to go to ioi mall puchong. Mak n Abah were included in the plan as Along was too lazy to send me home after finishes shopping (the plan was actually i spent the night in her place but last minute cancellation due to some problems). plus the fact that Mak also wanted to buy some stuff for herself. so we went there n did some shopping at jusco. as planned, i bought a pair of light brown shoes-a real comfy ones! + SALE!! and a pink blouse that i like soo much (this one Mak belanje rm20 but the rest--support sindri laaa). dunno why lately i'm kinda into pink frens from high school would be screaming to know this!!haha it is just not me at all!!Mak liked this one handbag (Alain Delon's) and Along tapped me from behind and gave me the 'look' on her face that i knew the meaning sooo much!i gave her the money and she 'pretended' that she bought it for Mak (ikutkan hati nak pecah jek rahsia)..she promised to pay me back later when her gaji masuk..HOPEFULLY!!
the plan was to have dinner in A&W or Mc D but it was kinda late so Along suggested this one place in puchong that has a real good roti canai. before leaving i made that 'look on my face' and successfully provoked Mak to gimme some money to buy food from kenny rogers (i craved for this one since i got back home!!)..yeehuu..Akib got a ride on the merry-go-round (after seriously being annoying to all of us!) and he was amazingly cute on the horse ride! he really has grown up so fast! dah macam budak dajah satu badan yg semangat tuuu..
so we went to the place..haha i could see the look on Mak's face when she found out that the restaurant was owned by India-Muslim ppl--mamak style was just plain Mak- she never eats outside without knowing the place well, moreover if the owner is not Malay or what-she's not being racism but being carefull i would say..she always questions bout the cleanliness of the food/place, the source of the meat esp the ones u have to slaughter, n of course the way ppl cook it..that's y we seldomly eat outside, evrything will be a home-made ones except in special occasions eg celebrating s'thing. boring jugak kadang2 tu!!KFC is never in her list and we always end up eating in mc d or AnW as those are the places that have fish fillet. to look on the brighter side, it's actually great the way she's particular on wut's going into her stomach but the dark thing is none of her child ever follow her steps..huhu.."mak ni outdated laaa" i say, but in my heart i'm always proud of her attitude on this one. yep it's true that we are wut we eat, n that's y none of us have the attitude like Mak's..hopefully one day i'll be like her..
it is already mornin..tomorrow's gonna be a long day for me!
"Ya Allah aku bersyukur atas nikmat Islam yang Kau kurniakan..amin"