Thursday, June 10, 2004

chaotic day


+ woke up at ___ not telling anyone (basically, late again)
+ made b'fast and lunch (tuna sandwiches with double cheese singles)
+ mandi, gosok baju, pakai baju, guling2 depan cermin, sedar2 dah 7.20!!!!!!!
+ took 16A to Dame St, missed 39 when crossing the road (lembab sgt!)
+ arrived at JCMH at 8.15, walked in about 8 minutes, to locker, took white coat
+ luckily Anne still there for the attendance, went in the Auditorium, DR.CEDRIK was giving the lecture (i thot there was an Oncology Conference today- kecewa, no free breakfast)
+ went to Surgical B to meet Dr.Connor with the team, given a list of patients' name
+ curi2 pandang at Mr. El-Sayeed's team, they were having a tutorial with Maryam
+ ish tabley jadi kene join ni
+ ajak Mary joined the tutorial, so we did
+ kene pi depan buat CVS exam kat Azri, terkiput kiput jugakla, saper suruh tak stadi bebetul
+ tutorial finished, went to see 3 patients to take histories, Mary tendang kaki aku masa 3rd patient, indicating that she wanted to do the history taking alone for that patient, ouch
+ went for lunch with Aida, Patricia, Mary, Foong, Nurul
+ new gossip : Peter Norton is getting married tomorrow, muka Foong kecewa
+ went out of cafe, saw Peter Norton carrying boxes into cars: gossip proven true!
+ went up again to Surgical C and B for me to take my PURE HX (no interruption from Mary aa)
+ all patients seemed tired, refused, and were sleeping
+ met Mr Keeling, he asked why didn't went in the OT today, they just finished doing a surgery of a very interesting case. he insisted us to go to the theatre now to see some scopes or anything else (at this time i was having my bad headache, pastu suruh2 org pi sana sini, I WANT TO TAKE MY HX!!)
+ went to change into scrubs, and went up to theatre
+ Mary spoke to Dr Dermuid about the things Mr Keeling asked us to do, he refused of us to go in with him at that time, saying he was having a very bad day and he was working for the whole week (better run before the volcano erupt)---now what?
+ i couldn't take it anymore, the headache got worse, i insisted of going back
+ so i did, Mary too
+ went home, solat zohor, siap2, jalan keluar
+ singgah Ulster Bank, ushar account, cam tak jadi je nak bukak..
+ sampai library, check email, bepoya poya while studying (adeke?)
+ NOW, i'm starting to have runny nose
+ nak balik umah dah balik!!


+ the tuna sandwiches, though i still have half of it in my beg, kemek seribu..
+ lunch: sliced cod with herb crumbles and mashed with gravy, i couldn't help it, i love the cod so much that i didn't eat my sandwiches from home
+ yogurt beli smalam
+ Snickers Bar (gemuk gemuk!!)
+ planning to eat sat lagi: mee dgn lauk Yani masak smalam